
liftstar electric stacker it can be concluded that a motor or valve failure.

n short, to grasp the method, familiar with the principle, first determine the cause analysis to determine the exact location of faults before they can prescribe the right medicine for further inspection and repair, until troubleshooting.

Typically, you can slip the hook through the following methods to determine the exact location of faults: When the handle bit appears slide the hook, it can be concluded that the brake liftstar pallet truck failure; when the handle is in the down position appears to slide the hook, it can be concluded that balancing valve failure; when the handle is in slide the hook up position occurs, it can be concluded that a motor or valve failure.

In short, to grasp the liftstar electric pallet trucks method, familiar with the principle, first determine the cause analysis to determine the exact location of faults before they can prescribe the right medicine for further inspection and repair, until troubleshooting. In addition to the above, there is no action lifting mechanism, put rope slow, put ropes vibration and other common faults.

